The Etheric Crystal written by Radu Cinamar, reveals the existence of extraterrestrial and human bases on the Moon.
Here is what the book says:
“Almost instantaneously, I saw the illuminated surface of the Moon from only a few meters above, as well as a lunar military base about half a kilometer away at the bottom of a not-too-large crater. However, it was not located precisely in the center but closer to the edge. The construction was small, consisting of two horizontal cylinders, like tubes, with three symmetrically arranged connecting corridors. Next to those tubes, on a kind of platform, was a TR-3B, though smaller than the one I had seen at the secret desert military base.
While observing the lunar base, I noticed that other portals or “jump” possibilities appeared around me, seemingly at random. I chose one that I instinctively knew projected to another area of the Moon’s surface. After the “jump,” I saw another base in a crater, but the structure was rectangular this time and covered a larger area. Next to it, on a platform, I saw two round-shaped ships, the classic type of “flying saucer,” though relatively small and of a different structural design. In the air, about fifty meters above, hovered a triangular black ship.
It seemed I had entered a “mechanism” of portals. I observed many such space-time openings, some in close proximity, others at varying distances in other areas of cosmic space. However, I felt their manifestation limit was somehow around Earth and the Moon. I suddenly felt drawn toward a portal that appeared right next to me and instantly found myself on the “dark side of the Moon” at that moment. I “landed” near another base, just about fifty meters away. All three bases were American, yet they seemed to represent different factions. I knew this the moment I approached one of these buildings.
The new base was quite brightly lit. A short distance from it, I saw three astronauts in specific suits—though more modern than commonly known—transporting something with a wheeled vehicle to a circular-shaped ship located on the nearby platform.
At that moment, I felt a different kind of vibration that immediately caught my attention. It was something unique, much more elevated, and, at the same time, very ancient. When I focused my attention on perceiving this frequency more precisely, I felt a sort of suction and traveled very quickly over a distance I estimated to be about 200 kilometers in no more than three or four seconds. I abruptly stopped near another base on the surface of the Moon, considerably larger than all the others I had seen until then.
I also unraveled the “mystery” of that unusually powerful energy frequency that had drawn me to that location as I found myself near an extraterrestrial lunar base.
It was abandoned; moreover, I knew then that it was ancient. Even though on the physical plane, at that moment and place, darkness was almost complete, in the subtle etheric dimension, shapes, and the surroundings in general could be perceived, somewhat like during an intensified twilight.
I saw only a signaling beacon on one side of the base, probably for monitoring purposes. The base consisted of two buildings close to each other, unequal in size, and built vertically in a style that reflected a different way of thinking, a different concept than the earthly one.
The lines, the way they twisted, the adjacent lateral elements like semicircles arranged along the height of the two buildings, and other unique characteristics all pointed to the “imprint” of a civilization operating on a completely different vibrational level than ours.
I couldn’t even tell where the access point to that base was, as everything seemed compact, solid, apparently immovable—a solitary witness of a consciousness shining through time. I felt that the base had been inhabited an immense time ago, and I wondered, contemplating the terrible loneliness of those towers, what extraordinary beings had built them, what technological foundations they had, and what plans they had in connection with our planet.
Then I made the fourth jump through a portal whose opening was right there, on the dark side of the Moon. At first, I hesitated a little, as I wasn’t sure where I would end up, but in the end, I took the risk because I felt it was part of a “family” of portals, many and frequent, manifesting between Earth and the Moon. Inside, I felt somehow “at home” and relatively safe.
I was projected again onto the bright side of the Moon. It felt like I was playing ping-pong between these zones of the celestial body. I “arrived” in the center of a wide crater, about 1.5 kilometers in diameter.
At a short distance from me were some very tall structures and also a few domes of different sizes, which had a style distinct from anything on Earth. They were platinum-colored and perfectly smooth.
Even without feeling it directly, you could easily tell that this was also an extraterrestrial lunar base, but unlike the previous one, this one was active. In the etheric plane—and even more so in the astral plane—you can sense the energetic state of the object or being that interests you, and at that moment, I clearly felt that this extraterrestrial base was indeed very active, even though I didn’t see any beings nearby at that time. However, I noticed three stationary ships—two round-shaped and one cylindrical, enormous in size.
While contemplating that place, I felt a strong pull toward a nearby area, a depression at the edge of the crater, where I observed an airlock, an artificial opening. I “entered” through that opening, though the term “entered” is somewhat improper because such an etheric penetration doesn’t necessarily happen step by step as it does in the physical plane; you can also move great distances instantly.
The moment I passed through that airlock, I knew I had entered the interior of the Moon. “
The continuation can be found in the book The Etheric Crystal by Radu Cinamar.